Yhdentyvät alkuperäiskansat -
Nepalin alkuperäiskansojen elämästä kertovia elokuvia
Suomessa 6.4.-30.4.2012

Suomi-Nepal-seura yhdessä Nepalin alkuperäiskansojen elokuva-arkiston kanssa tuottaa Suomeen kolmipäiväisen elokuvakiertueen, jossa tutustutsaan sekä fiktioiden että dokumenttien kautta Nepalin alkuperäiskansojen historiaan ja elämään keskellä vallankumouksen jälkeistä Nepalin murrosta.

Kiertueelle etsitään paikallisia yhteistyökumppaneita järjestämään näytöksiä. Ohjelman voi esittää kolmena perättäisenä iltana tai myös yhden päivän pituisena katselmuksena tai vaikka elokuvaviikkona. Paikalliset järjestäjät päättävät oman Nepal-filmifestivaalinsa muodosta.

Jos haluat järjestää filmifestivaalin kotikaupungissasi, kunnassasi, kansalaisopistossa, oppilaitoksessasi, ota yhteyttä kiertuekoordinaattoriin:

Elokuvakiertueen ohjelma (muutokset mahdollisia):

1.Päivä: Nepalin alkuperäiskansojen tilanne

Indigenous united, Hannu Hyvönen, Ashok Bhurtyal, IFA-Nepal 2012
-videoreportaasi Nepalin alkuperäiskansojen historiasta ja nykytilanteesta
-tuotetaan yhteistyössä Suomi-Nepal-seuran ja Nepalin alkuperäiskansojen elokuva-arkiston kanssa 30 min

The Long journey, Nabin Subba, 2008
Dokumenttielokuva, joka kertoo Nepalin alkuperäiskansojen edustajien ja uuden hallituksen edustajien matkasta YK:n alkuperäiskansojen foorumiin.
Nepalin uusi hallitus on allekirjoittanut alkuperäiskansojen oikeuksia vahvistavan ILO-sopimuksen. Turvaako se kansojen maaoikeuksia perinteisiin asuma-alueisiinsa? 30 min

Lost in transition, Pranay Limbu, 2007
Vahva dokumenttielokuva siitä muutoksesta, jonka keskellä elää Chepang-kansa. Kuvaus identiteetin murroksesta köyhyyden, lukutaidottomuuden ja maaoikeusongelmien keskellä. Onko perinteisen kulttuurin aika siirtyä museoiden vitriineihin? 47 min

Anagartik, Ram Babu Gurung, 2007
Palkittu fiktioelokuva kodittomuudesta ja identiteetin rakentamisesta. Nepalista maailmalle lähtenyt palkkasotilas palaa kotiseudulleen sisällissotaa käyvään maahan ja etsii identiteettiään omassa maassaan.
98 min


2. päivä: Naiset murroksen keskellä

Synergy of women
Lyhytelokuvien sarja naisten tekemiä elokuvia IFA-Nepalin järjestämässä koulutuksessa. Elokuvien kautta sukellamme sisään naisten arkeen ja juhlaan Nepalin alkuperäiskansojen elämässä. Kaksikymmentä yksi ohjaajaa kertoo kahdentoista erilaisen alkuperäiskansan naisten tarinoita.
130 min

Gway Mary - sammuuko savenvalajan dreija, Prinaraj Joshi, 2009
Dokumenttielokuva Gway Marusta, savenvalajasta joka edustaa yhä jatkuvaa, mutta uhanalaiseksi tullutta elinkeinoa. Hieno dokkari. 45 min

Numafung, Nabin Subba
Komea fiktioelokuva, jossa seurataan seurataan Limbu -vuoristokansan elämään nuoren tytön silmin. Myötäjäiset ja sovitut avioliitot ovat limbujenkin perinnettä.
Kaikki traditiot eivät välttämättä ole vaalimisen arvoisia. 108 min

Karma, Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, 2007
Pienellä budjetilla tehty upea fiktioelokuva isojen kysymysten äärellä. Kertomuksessa seurataan Mustang -vuosistossa budhalaisessa nunnaluostarissa asuvan Karman salaperäistä työmatkaa Katmanduun. Valloittava päähenkilö, budhalaiset mysteerit ja jännittävä tarina. Nepalilainen roadmovie ihmisyyden perimmäisten kysymysten äärelle. 98 min

3. Päivä: Katoaako henkinen perintö?

The Spirit Doesn't Come Anymore
Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, 1997
Samanistinen parantamistraditio on jatkunut Himalajan vuorilla tuhansien vuosien ajan. Seitsemänkymmentä kahdeksan vuotias Pao Wangchulk on kolmastoista samaani katkeamattomassa ketjussa. Mutta jatkaako hänen poikansa Karma suvun perintöä. Alkoholi ja helppo elämä houkuttavat enemmän kuin kieltäymyksiä vaativa parantajan tie. Palkittu dokumenttielokuva kuvaa isän ja pojan suhdetta ja sukeltaa keskelle yhä elävä samanistisen tradition maailmaa.


Sweat drenched land - Hiellä kasteltu maa
Arun Pradhan, 2010, 32 min
YK:n ILO-järjestölle tuotettu dokumenttielokuva kertoo Magar-yhteisöstä joka poistettiin asuinsijoiltaan luonnonsuojelun nimissä. Kuulemme sydäntäsärkeviä tarinoita ihmisiltä, joiden esi-isät ovat asuttaneet seutua sopeutuen luonnonoloihin.
Onko mahdollista suojella luonnonarvoja ja alkuperäiskansojen oikeuksia? Onko länsimainen ajattelu ihmisestä ja hänestä erillisestä "luonnosta" mielekäs kun puhutaan luonnonehdoilla elävistä alkuperäiskansoista?

Beuyl, 2007
Tsering Rhitar Sherpa,Dr. Lhakpa Norbu Sherpa
Tämä dokumenttielokuva on kuvattu Khumbun laaksossa Mount Everestin juurella. Paikallisen Sherpa-kansan perinnetiedon mukaan paikka on yksi Himalajan pyhistä laaksoista, jotka kantavat nimeä Beyul. Uskomuksen mukaan näitä paikkoja on perustettu luoksepääsemättömille seuduille Himalajalla turvaamaan henkistä perintöä sotien, kulkutautien ja muiden mullistusten varalta. Elokuva asettaa kysymyksen pyhyyden merkityksestä. Olisiko länsimaiseen luonnonsuojeluajatteluun kytkettävä luonnonarvojen lisäksi myös spirituaalisia arvoja. Pyhien paikkojen perintöä tarvitaan kaikkialla.

Here is list of the films we have got from IFA-Nepal for the film tour in Finland.
If you are interested to arrange a film festival in your school, village, town - please take a contact to film tour coordinator Hannu Hyvönen hannu@elonmerkki.net

Twisin - a reality... not faraway
Sweat Drenched Land
Lives of Jawang
Dead yet Alive
The Spinner of Flights
Synergy of Women short Film
Gway Maru
The Long Journey
Lost in Transition
Pahichan ko khojima Dhimal

Beyul - The Sacred Hidden Valleys of the Himalaya

Year of Production: 2008 Duration: 30'

Language: Sherpa Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director: Tsering Rithar Sherpa

Camera: Deepak Bajracharya

Editor: Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, Deepak Rauniyar

Concept: Dr. Lhakpa Norbu Sherpa

Producer: The Mountain Institute

Synopsis: Filmed in the Khumbu valley located at the foot of Mt. Everest, Beyul film introduces traditional Sherpa views of the Beyul as a sacred space, co-habited by many other natural and supernatural beings, where negative thoughts and actions such as quarreling, polluting and taking life are discouraged because the place is considered spiritually powerful. The sympathetic attitudes of Beyul believers supported Beyuls to become national parks and protected areas. The role of the ancient belief system in conservation however has received little recognition. This film highlights the role of sacred natural sites such as Beyul in protecting the environment and maintaining harmonious relationships between the land and people throughout the world. (Beyul is sacred space cohabited by people, animals and plants.)

Director's Profile:

Name: Tsering Rhitar Sherpa

Born in Nepal, Tsering Rithar Sherpa studied filmmaking at the Jamia Millia Islamia in Delhi from 1992 to 1993. In 1994, he spend a year in Dharamsala (India) filming the Dalai Lama and the institutions of the Tibetan government in exile. His has got celebrated films like Tears of Torture, The Spirit Doesn't Come Anymore, Karma and Mukundo to his credit. His film Mukundo earned him an Oscar nomination whereas his The Spirit Doesn't Come Anymore earned him Best Indigenous Filmmaker of the Year in Film South Asia.

Mailing Address: Mila Production Pvt. Ltd,

P. O. Box: 3064, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: 4492143, 4470675

Email : mila@wlink.com.np


Year of Production: Duration: 108'

Language: Nepali/ Llimbu Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Drama


Screenplay and Direction: Nabin Subba

Cinematography: Raju Thapa

Editor: Sameera Jain

Story: Kajiman Khandangwa

Producer: Cap. Chhabilal Hangshrong & Nabin Subba

Music : Nhyoo Bajrcharya


Numafung is a story of a young girl who is exploited time and again in the name of culture and tradition, and who eventually stands up against the system. This film is about the kind of social system that facilitates exploitation. It shows how some people decide to stand up against the society and its system.

This film is first of its kind about Limbu people living in the beautiful hills of Nepal.

Director's Profile:

Nabin Subba is internationally acclaimed film maker. He has set name in alternative filmmaking in Nepalese film market. He started his career as a journalist and then film director. His film film "Tareba" was first film made on Limbu language and culture.

Mailing Address: Menchhyayem Pictures

Anamnagar 32, Block No 18

P. O. Box 10487, Kathamandu , Nepal

email: nabinsubba@hotmail.com, nabin@Menchhyayem.com.np

Tel: 977 1 9851053292

977 1 4102577

Fax: 977 1 4260498

Twisin - a reality... not far away

Year of Production: 2008 Duration: 35'

Language: Newar Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director/Producer/Editor/ Writer: Prina Raj Joshi

Cinematographer: Shiva Pangeni

Synopsis: Twisin explores how a farmer is struggling to retain his traditional lifestyle amidst the growing urbanization. More than 60% of the total demand of vegetables in Kathmandu valley is supplied by the vegetables grown by the Nagadeshi people. Their traditional life style is threatened because of the growing encroachment of the Housing companies into their fertile land.

Director's Profile: Prina Raj Joshi, a documentary producer and editor, strives to sue this media to explore the harsh realities of life. Currently employed by Nepal Television, Mr. Joshi is also a freelance documentary film maker. He is the producer and presenter of Aakar, a documentary based weekly program on NTV 2. He has produced and directed several documentaries and Nepali and Newari music videos. Among his significant works are Exploring Ramkot (about the Magar architecture), Lumbini Mayadevi Temple, 9000 Buddha Temples of Patan.

Mailing Address: Chhauni Bahiti,

Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: 4273048

Email : nabin_joshi2002@yahoo.com


Year of Production: 2010 Duration: 32'

Language: MAGAR Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director: Arun Pradhan

Production: Indigenous Film Archive (IFA) in association with International Labour Organization (ILO)

Research: Gopal Dewan

Cinemotographer: Arun pradhan & Som Limbu

Editor: Rajendra Khadka

Synopsis: It is the story of the community that was uprooted from their ancestral land in the name of conservation. The film documents the lives of the people impacted by this relocation to unfamiliar environments. It projects the heart wrenching stories of land owners reduced to extreme poverty and forced to work as labourers. It also documents the opinions of bureaucracy, legal experts, senior government officials and those involved in the fame of conservation.

The story is narrated by Jagat Bahadur Rai who is constantly engaged in conserving water and water sources whose ony quest is to be allowed to live in his ancestral land.

The documentary poses an important question - Can we not uphold the rights of the indigenous people and Conserve Nature simultaneously?

Director's Profile: Arun Pradhena has many films to his credit. Hmar Jingi (Tharu), Bangs (Tharu), The Priest & the Call Girl (Short Film), Fungwama (Limbu), Cabin Girl (Nepali), Teenagers (Nepali) are amoung his better known works. Sweat Drenched Land is his first documentary.


Year of Production: 2007 Duration: 38'

Language: Chepang Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director/ Writer: Ramesh Khadka

Producer: Manju Sharma

Cinemotographer: Raghunath Pandey, Ramesh Khadka

Screenwriter: Ramesh Khadka

Editor: Manju Sharma, om Baral

Synopsis: This documentary is a case study of the Chepangs living in Jawang. Chepangs are one of the endangered indigenous communities of Nepal. They live in the hilly areas of Nepal. They depend on wild fruits and roots. They do not have the opportunities for education and employment. With the passage of time, awareness is growing in them.

Director's Profile: Ramesh Khadka started his career in journalism in 1990. A Masters Degree holder in Mass Media and Journalism, Khadka is also involved in the filmmaking. He has made dozens of documentaries on social and developmental issues. Khadka, a writer of the books like Karnali, is also actively involved in research.


Year of Production: 2008 Duration: 55'

Language: MAGAR Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director/ Writer: Sanjog Laaphaa Magar

Production: Jeet Bahadur Sinjalee Magar Literature Academy

Cinemotographer: Yubraj Rai and Mejan Pun Rai

Editor: Rajendra Pandey

Background Music: Panindra Rai

Synopsis: This is a bipic on Jeet Bahadur Singjali Magar, the first poet in Magar Language. Sinjali, the first Magar poet to get an anthrology of poetry published to promote the Magar Language and culture, had disappeared in 1968. Three years back, he was suddenly noticed in Thulo Lhumpek, Gulmi. This documentary explores what he was doing for almost four decades and why he got himself exiled from his family and ethnic organizations.

Buwegu Maanatuna (The Spinner of Flights)

Newar/ Nepal - 2009/Mini DV/22' 20"

Language of the Film: Newar

Subtitle: English

Genre: Documentary

Technical Team

Director , Producer & Script Writer: Loonibha Tuladhar

Cinematographer: Pramod Karki

Editor: Pixel Arc Production

Actors: Naswa Joshi, Mohit Kayastha, Sundeep Shrestha


The Spinner of Flights, is the story of a spindle-maker who has created thousands of spindles that launch colorful kites into the Kathmandu sky every autumn. Behind the spindles, she hides her desire for education. It takes Meera Sthapit 50 years to finally learn her first alphabets.

Director's Profile:

LoonibhaTuladhar is currently pursuing her MA in Rural Development and believes theatre can be used as a means for change in the society, besides being of importance for its aesthetic value.

She has been working on BBC Radio dramas since 2010, while also teaching theatre and taking street plays to different parts of the country. Her first film was "Samali, The Escort".

IFA Shorts by Women (Synergy of Women short Film)

All these short documentaries are 10-13 mins long, made by women filmmakers with the training provided by IFA.

  1. Film Name: Lavaki Kaniya

Community: Tharu

Synopsis: The Tharu Bride uses her art of cooking to bond with her new family.

Director : Renu Chaudhary - She is a film editor who owns and manages her own studio.

  1. Film Name: Bhuiyar Puja

Community: Magar

Synopsis: The magar Community believe that they must not cut the tree they worship.

Director : Sanumaiya Rana - She is a Staff Nurse at the Bhaktapur Thimu Helath Post.

  1. Film Name: 12 Days

Community : Newar

Synopsis: The Newars have the tradition of initiating their daughter into womanhood.

Director : Sunita Rajbhandari - Sunita has directed 2 films after IFA filmmaking workshop.

  1. Film Name: Solji

Community : Mugal

Synopsis: The women of the Mugal community organize a feast to welcome a relative on his return.

Director : Toma Lama - Toma is Chairperson of the Mugal Women's Upliftment organization.

  1. Film Name: River

Community: Majhi

Synopsis: Fishes in the rivers continue to be endangered by the use of poison and electrical currents.

Director : Bindu Majhi - She is a central member of Majhi Women Upliftment Association.

  1. Film Name: Gra Pala Ge

Community: Sunuwar

Synopsis: The skill of handicrafts demonstrates the Sunuwar's close bonding with the bamboo tree.

Director : Laxmi Sunuwar - She is the Treasurer of Sunuwar Women's Society.

  1. Film Name: Thak Thakma

Community: Limbu

Synopsis: Girls from the Limbu community are taught the art of weaving.

Director : Lila Rai - Lila is a model and dancer who has acted in several music videos.

  1. Film Name: Samali

Community: Newar

Synopsis: In some Newari Community, a family friend is sent with the bride to help her adjust.

Director : Loonibha Tuladhar - Loonibha is a well known TV producer and stage actor.

  1. Film Name: The Chiuree

Community: Chepang

Synopsis: The Chepangs plant Chiuree trees to celebrate the birth of a daughter as a gift for her.

Director : Shova Chepang - She works for the social upliftment of her community.

  1. Film Name: Mhaita

Community: Gurung

Synopsis: The Gurung customary law gives women the right to divorse.

Director : Ratna Gurung - Ratna is a well known Radio journalist from SYanja.

  1. Film Name: Girl Power

Community: Gurung

Synopsis: Gurung women are independent and empowered due to the gender equality.

Director : Renu Kshetry - She is well known for her sensitive reporting of social issues.

  1. Film Name: Naraam


Synopsis: Magar community uses the Titepati (Artemesia, absinthe, wormwood) as a medicinal plant.

Director : Pratimaya Pun - She is an indigenous woman activist.

  1. Film Name:Rhythm of Life

Community: Limbu

Synopsis: The Chyabrung (skin drum) is the heartbeat of the Limbu community.

Director : Srijana is a well known film and television actor.


Year of Production: 2007 Duration: 98'

Community: Gurung Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Fiction


Director: Ram Babu Gurung

Producer: Prem Kumar Gurung

Cinematographer: Rabi Shayami

Screen writer: Shrawan Mukarung

Editor: Rajendra Pandey

Music: Paras Mukarung

Lyrics: Tika Chamling


Lal Bahardur Gurung, the son of Garjuman Gurung, an ex-soldier, follows the footstep ofhis father. But Ram, the son of Lal Bahadur Gurung, struggles hard to establish his ientity in his own coutnry. Eventually, he fails and goes abroad. As a result, he becoes an Anagarik (a person without citizenship/ coutnry)

Director's Profile:

Ram Babu Gurung hails from Rumjatar, Okhaldhunga. He makes films related to Nepalese Indigenous people. He has attended many filmmaking workshops and had produced numerous music videos, documentaries and fiction film as well. He is also the winner of Nepal International Indigenous Film Festival 2008.

Gway Maru (The Losing Speed of Potter's Wheel)

Year of Production: 2009 Duration: 45'

Community: Newar Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director and Producer: Prinaraj Joshi

Co - Director: Rijesh Tandukar

Asst Director: K.K Manandhar

Editor: Rijesh Randukar

Cinematograher: Pratap Maharjan, Babu Jalmi, Sanjay Lama


Through Gway Maru, The director explores the factors which have endangered pottery, a traditional occupation, and thus how the people who depend on this profession have to face adversities. Ss the demand for earthen good decreases day by day, people is continuing to spin their wheel of destitution.

Director's Profile:

Prina Raj Joshi began his career in media in 2001 as producer and presenter of television show called Aakar. He is involved in making documentaries and television commercials.


Year of Production: 2009 Duration: 25'

Community: Lapcha Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director: Mohan Manandhar

Producer: NEFEJ, Danish Embassy

Cinematographer: Bikramram Tajale, Mohan KC and Mohan Manandhar

Editor: Rabindra Pandey


According to typical tradition of Lapcha community, the groom has to spend three years in bride's house after marriage. Similarly, they teach girls to learn skills so that their future will be secure. The documentary focuses on these aspects of Lapcha community.

Director's Profile:

Mohan Manandhar is a television journalist and he has been reporting for Nepal Television from 12 years and also reporting for Environmental TV program Aankhijhyal.


Year of Production: 2009 Duration: 24'

Community: Sunuwar Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director and Producer: Amrit Bahadur Sunuwar

Cinematographer: Sagar Gautam

Screenwriter: Uttam Sunuwar

Editor: Renish Phago


The Sunuwar (Koich), community of Nepal celebrate an important traditional festival called Shyander. This festival is slowly vanishing. This documentary has made an effort to preserve and promote this tradtional festival of Sunuwars.

Director's Profile:

Amrit Sunuwar was born in Ramechhap district and has been involved in film direction for past 6 years. He has directed documentary, music video and advertisements and films.

The Long Journey

Year of Production: 2009 Duration: 37' 40"

Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Fiction


Director: Nabin Subba

Producer: Nabin Subba

Cinematographer: Siddhartha Shakya & Nabin Subba

Editor: Tsering Rhitar Sherpa & Sabita Basnet


For the first time in Nepal's history, a high level government delegation led by the then Minister of Local Development, Dev Gurung, participated in UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous issues, New York in 2008. This is a very strong message from the new Nepalese Government, who has started seriously acknowledging the indigenous issues.

Director's Profile:

Nabin Subba is internationally acclaimed film maker. He has set name in alternative filmmaking in Nepalese film market. He started his career as a journalist and then film director. His film film "Tareba" was first film made on Limbu language and culture.


Year of Production: 2007 Duration: 47'

Country: NePAL

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director/ Cinematographer: Pranay Limbu

Producer: Nepal Chepang Society

Script: Pranaya Limbu/ Binod Das Gurung

Graphics: Santoshi Nepal

Field Assistant: Prakash Shrestha


This is an introductory documentary film the Chepangs, an indigenous community which directly depends on the natural resources. This semi hunting gathering community has been suffering from exclusion, poverty, illiteracy, landlessness and identity crisis. However, things are changing for the Chepangs. They are raising their voices for their rights. NO only does the documentary sketch past, present and future of the Chepang community but also its interrelation with other communities.

Director's Profile:

Though born in Kathmandu, the capital city of nepal, Pranaya Limbu loves to make films on the subject matters from outside capital. He has already proved himself as a successful documentary film director by making the documentaries like Itihas Jeetneharuka lagi and Forgive but Forget Not.


Year of Production: 2006 Duration: 80'

Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Fiction


Director/ Script Writer: Maotse Gurung

Cinematographer: Yug Bahadur Gurung

Producer: Milan and Khem Raj Gurung

Editor: Bikash Gurung

Sound: Barsha Keshav Parajuli


Kripa is going to her natal village with her aunt to meet her father during school vacation. When her aunt left her there with her deaf father, she became lonely. She had hard time interacting wither her father. He knew about city and also understands the difficulty of Kripa. She loves the gift of Gunyocholo from her father, Ode, which made her sentimental. Later on she founds the real relationship between her and her father Ode. She felt kindness towards her father and her father Ode. She develops a love for her father who has treated her like his own daughter.

Director's Profile:

Maotse Gurung has acted in many plays in theatre and movies. After directing movie called Achammai Bho, he is into film line. He has won Best Actor award in 2056 B.S. in Theatre Festival in Malami.


Year of Production: 2010 Duration: 19 min 30 sec

Country: Nepal

Subtitle: English Genre: Documentary


Director- Mohan Manandhar

Script Writer: Mohan Manandhar/ Roshani Adhikari

Cinematographer: Mohan KC

Producer: NEFEJ

Editor: Samant Acharya


A story about Dhimal Community of Jahpa and Morang who are facing survival crisis following loss of culture and tradition with Modernity setting in(and catching up with them). The community is trying to revive the culture by adopting certain measures.

Director's Profile:

Mohan Manandhar is a television journalist and he has been reporting for Nepal Television from 12 years and also reporting for Environmental TV program Aankhijhyal. He has a keen interest on making documentary of indigenous people, their culture and knowledge. He has directed more than 10 documentaries on his 12 years long Journey of Audio Visual Production.