Film Festivals, Screenings, Awards
Global premiere, New York, May 2006
Finnish premiere, Helsinki Social Forum, May 2006
Norwegian premiere, Riddu Riddu festival, July 2006
Tampere Film Festival, 2006
Mid Night Sun Film Festival, Sodankylä, Finland, 2007
German premier, Globians Filmfestival, 2007
Canadian premiere, Moose Cree first nations forestry information session, October 2007
Planet in Focus film festival, Canada, 2007
The Kettupäivät - Finnish Short and Documentary Film Festival, 2007
Taiwan premier, Migration Music Festival, 2007
Indian premiere, ViBGYOR Film Festival, 2008
United States premier, EarthVision International Environmental Film Festival, March 2008
Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival, Seattle, WA, 2008
Green Film Festival, Seoul, Korea, 2008
Best Topical Relevance & Interpretation, Nepal International Indigenous Film Festival, 2008
National Museum of the American Indian, New York, 2008
Best Film on Survival of Indigenous People, XXII Pärnu International Film Festival, Estonia, 2008 Document 6 - International Human Rights Film Festival, Scotland, 2008
Festival International du Film d'Environnement, Cinema La Pagode, Paris, 2008
Cine Gaia - International Environmental Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008
Lens Politica - Film and Media Art Festival, Finland, 2008
Special Environmental Award, Wildlife Vaasa, Finland, 2008
"Ownership and Appropriation," Joint Conference of the ASA, the ASAANZ and the AAS, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2008
Matsalu Nature Film Festival, Estonia, 2008
Eyes & Lenses IV - Ethnographic Film Festival, Poland, 2008
The Mihail Cantacuzino High School Sinaia Prize, Green Planet Blues - Environmental Film Festival, Sinaia, Romania, 2009
Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, Ithaca, NY, 2009
University of British Columbia Ethnographic Film Festival, Canada, 2009
Festival Internacional de Cine Ecológico y de la Naturaleza de Canarias, Spain, 2009
GREEN SCREEN - 3rd International Nature Film Festival, Germany, 2009
Parliament of the World's Religions, Melbourne, Australia, 2009

Last yoik in Saami forests?

- a documentary for UN

List of screenings (not a complete list)


1. The global premiere of the documentary was in May 2006 in New York.
Saami Council arranged a side event in connection on the fifth session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

2. Finnish premiere was in May 2006 in Helsinki Social Forum

3. Norwegian premiere was in July in Riddu Riddu festivals in 14th July 2006.

4. In Tampere Film Festivals, Finland 2006


5. Mid Night Sun Film Festivals in Sodankylä, Finland 2007

6. The premiere in Germany was in Globians Filmfestivals in 2007.

7. Canadian premiere was in Moose Cree first nations forestry information session in October 2007.

8. Planet in Focus film festivals in Canada in 2007

9. The Kettupäivät - Finnish Short and Documentary Film Festival, Helsinki Finland 2007

10. The premiere in Taiwan was in Migration Music Festival in 2007

11. The Indian premiere was in ViBGYOR Film Festivals in 2008

12. The premiere in United States is in March 2008 in EarthVision International Environmental Film Festival in Santa Cruz

13. EYES AND LENSES V, Ethnographic Film Festival
14-16 March 2008, National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, Poland

14. The Global Green Indigenous Film Festival
April 18-20, 2008 in Santa, Fe New Mexico

15. 2008 Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival
May 1-4, 2008 at the University of Washington in Seattle

16. Green Film Festival in Seoul, South Korea (22~28 May, 2008)

17. Grass roots Green Art and Ecology in Helsinki, Finland 17.4.2008

18. Kinos festival, The fifth Kinos Festival,
28.-30.3.2008 in Lahti, Finland

19. Catalonia Environmental International Film Festival,
31.5.-8.6.2008, Barcelona, Spain

20. Nepal International Indigenous Film festival
4.-7.6.2008 Katmandu

21. XXVI Pärnu International Film Festival
6th July to 27th July in Pänu, Estonia

22. 6th Matsalu Nature Film Festival, Estonia

Document 6 International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
15-19 October 2008 in Scotland

24. Cine Gaia - International Environmental Film Festival
Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, November 2008

25. Festival International du Film d'Environnement, Cinema La Pagode, Paris, 2008

26. Television film festival in Murmansk

27. Wildlife Vaasa film festivals ,Finland
Environmental Special Award by West Finland Environmental Centre

28. Lens politica- film festival in Helsinki.

Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival in China
competition serie, Earth our home

Green Planet Blues ecological movie festival , Romania
organized by Aristoteles Workshop
The award: The Mihail Cantacuzino High School Sinaia Prize

31. Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, Ithaca, NY, 2009

32. University of British Columbia Ethnographic Film Festival, Canada, 2009

33. Festival Internacional de Cine Ecológico y de la Naturaleza de Canarias, Spain, 2009

34. GREEN SCREEN - 3rd International Nature Film Festival, Germany, 2009

35. Zagrebi Ekofestival in Croatia

36. Parliament of the World's Religions, Melbourne, Australia, 2009


Swedish television (SVT) had three broadcastings in January 2008 in its science channel Klorofyll.

Estonian television is broadcasting the movie in 2009.

Press TV - arabic satellite channel

Other screenings and events


Different organisations have arranged screenings in Finland in Helsinki, Porvoo, Tampere, Jyväskylä , Rovaniemi, Jokioinen, Vilppula, Joensuu, Kuopio etc.

Screenings in Universities: